Re-Filling Our Cup
As you likely noticed, we took some time off this summer. I think as much as we didn’t want to admit it, we were tired…emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. Alex and I took our own advice we've shared with you. . . REST. BREATHE. REFRESH. It was so healing.
Seven years ago, we stumbled into a way of life we never expected for ourselves, sharing intimately personal victories and defeats, while also maintaining our own standards for our family life and ministry with others. Yet, there was a redeeming quality about having an outlet for encouraging others in the midst of our own journey through infertility. And you were there for it all.
You watched us build our family through the highs and the lows. We documented all of the crazy, beautiful, and wonderful aspects of that season, and with it, we saw so much transformational life change from you, our community. You cheered us on so faithfully. It was one of the most important and special seasons of our lives.
Behind the scenes, though, it took a toll on us and we didn't want that to effect our most valued treasures, our children. So we slowly backed off from filming our daily lives and transitioned to sharing our passions like gardening, animals, and health. And right around the beginning of summer, after the loss of Phil’s grandmother, we knew it was time to hit the reset button.
What follows, both here in the blog, as well as on Youtube in the coming season is teaching you the "HOW" behind the "WHAT." In complete transparency and with humility, we want to show you HOW we got through our darkest moments with joy and hope. HOW were our hearts healed? HOW to build a family that resembles the heart of God for his people? HOW do we love our neighbors despite differences? HOW do we this, that, and the other? With your help, we will uncover practical ways to get through what you are going through.
Now, the caveat here is this. We believe wholly and completely that we are still in process. We are far from perfect. We still fall down. Though I do believe that while the world is searching for truth, that truth is already here.
Having said that, we are so thankful that you are still here! We are so thankful for the time you gave us to rest, and heal, and sift through such meaningful moments. Alex and I are excited to walk with you for part two of this amazing chapter together. Very Soon. Bless you friend.
You are Loved by your friends,
Phil & Alex